Visit the most curious museums in the Region of Madrid

The Region of Madrid is a reference in the cultural field thanks to its wide and varied range of museums, among which you will find some curious and lesser known museums that are well worth a visit.

In the capital, Madrid, you can visit several museums with artistic, naval, fashion, royalty or geological themes. Some examples are the Museo Real Armería de Madrid (Royal Armory Museum of Madrid), Museo del Traje (Costume Museum), Museo Naval (Naval Museum), Museo Geominero (Geomining Museum), Museo Lázaro Galdiano and Museo Cerralbo.

If we move to the nearby municipalities, it is possible to visit Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vidrio in Alcorcón (Museum of Contemporary Glass Art - MAVA), Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología - MUNCYT in Alcobendas (National Museum of Science and Technology) and Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in Móstoles (2 de Mayo Art Center).

There is also a wide range of museums with different themes less than an hour from Madrid, such as the Museo Arqueológico y Paleontológico de la Comunidad de Madrid in Alcalá de Henares (Archaeological and Paleontological Museum of the Region of Madrid), Museo de Falúas Reales in Aranjuez, Museo de Cocheras del Rey in San Lorenzo de el Escorial, Museo Picasso in Buitrago de Lozoya, Museo Ulpiano Checa in Colmenar de Oreja, Museo Lunar in Fresnedillas de la Oliva and Museo Eduardo Barreiros in Valdemorillo, among others.

More information: Museo Real Armería de Madrid, Museo del Traje, Museo Naval, Museo Geominero, Museo Lázaro Galdiano y Museo Cerralbo.

Image: Museo del Traje ©