VI Feria de la Palmerita de Morata de Tajuña

On December 16th and 17th, Morata de Tajuña will become the world capital of chocolate palmiers with the VI Feria de la Palmerita de Morata de Tajuña (VI edition of the Palmier Fair).

The town's Plaza Mayor will be the epicenter of this event, organized by the City Council of Morata de Tajuña in collaboration with the Region of Madrid, the seven participating bakeries and Aracove.

At the stands, visitors will be able to taste, learn about and buy the palmiers, while enjoying live performances and bouncy castles, among other activities.

This annual Christmas event turns this municipality in the southeast of Madrid into a Mecca for chocolate lovers, thanks to its palmiers, a symbol of the city and a driving force of its economy. Every year, more than 60,000 kilos of this delicious delicacy are made by hand in the pastry shops and bakeries of De La Torre, Paco-Pan, La Dulcería, La Real, la Panificadora Morateña, Conejo and El Carmen.

More information: VI Feria de la Palmerita de Morata de Tajuña

Image: Palmeritas de Morata de Tajuña from Morata de Tajuña Town Hall©